Thursday 7 March 2013

No Turning Back

Our esteemed leader has informed us (or is about to inform us, speeches are so heavily trailed nowadays most could be replaced by a press release), that there is to be 'No Turning Back'. He is sticking to his guns on economic policy.

What a silly thing to say. What an absurd speech to make. No one is right all the time. When you make a mistake, or take a wrong turning, sooner or later you have to turn around or fall off a cliff. Or drive into the sea.

Refusing to change direction regardless of the correlation between desired and actual destination is called stubbornness. Or stupidity. Dave has that in spades. Even if he didn't have enough for himself, Gideot Odbourne has it to spare.

The discussion is not about U turns or the like, it is about whether the UK government's current economic policy is going the right way.

I believe Dave is saying it is. I don't believe most of the people in the UK agree with him.

Dave has around two years for them to change their minds.

Such a change will not come from clever arguments or incisive debate. Neither will it come from calling their political opponents nasty names, demonising the poor, assylum seekers and immigrants. It certainly won't come from Davvy making speeches about 'No Turning Back'.

It can only come from economic recovery.

On assuming power the coalition adopted a policy of austerity, and told us it would be expansionary austerity. that theirs was the fastest path to recovery. It hasn't turned out that way so far.

Come election time, they will be judged on the results of their economic policy. The same old saw "it's the economy, stupid". Given their back ground of PR and outrageous privilege I sense this might be unfamiliar territory (this judgement by results thing) for the gruesome twosome, Dave and Gideot.

They had better get used to it.

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