Wednesday 6 March 2013

Adios Hugo Chavez

With some inevitability Hugo Chavez has passed away.

My condolences to his family and many supporters everywhere.

Mr Chavez was a long way from perfect. His manipulation of the constitution to allow an extension of his time in power was reminiscent of much historical leftist abuse of power. It is difficult to know the extent to which he may have supported leftist rebels in his Colombian neighbour. We can be certain that his interference in Colombia was less destabilising than that of the US. For America to accuse him of interference in other countries is rich indeed.

Nevertheless, while Chavez lived anyone else winning a Venezuelan election remained unlikely.

Chavez was in some ways innovative. Taking Venezuela into Opec.

He could be brave, his defiance of US influence stood in stark contrast to Colombian obsequiousness.

His staunch support of Cuba was an international breath of fresh air.

He was inspirational. Breathing new life into the left across Latin America, inspiring a whole generation of leftist leaders.

While Western leaders viewed Chavez with distaste, in doing so they show their hypocrisy. Chavez was by no means the least democratic of Latin American leaders. He was not the most repressive, nor was his record of support to foreign insurgents particularly bad. But he was singled out by the West as uniquely bad.  Ordinary Latin Americans know why. It is because he was a bulwark of opposition to Western power. He would not bow to the Gringo. For the supine political leaders of Britain to criticise Chavez really is a bad joke.

While Chavez had many faults his anti Western rhetoric is not among them. He is, in large measure, forgiven because of his anti Western rhetoric. He will be remembered for comparing George Bush to the Devil. Most of the world will remember him fondly.

As Venezuelans mourn their president, Western leaders would be wise to reflect the outpouring of affection and grief that will come from people all over Latin America and the wider world.

If the West cannot learn to accept the democratic choices of peoples across the world, it has no business speaking for, never mind fighting for, democracy. One of fundamental features of a true democrat is the ability to accept the result when it goes against your own will or judgement.

Chavez exposed Western espousing of world wide democracy for the humbug it was. All true democrats should be thankful for that.

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