Tuesday 5 March 2013


What a word. It is made to appeal to a certain section of society, those that like things austere. Those seniors just in or coming up to retirement. The "I've worked all my life" brigade.

I have a message for those people. It goes like this.

How lucky you have been. You were the last generation that had full employment. No one under the age of 50 is under any illusion that you have to be VERY lucky to 'work all your life' nowadays. What a privilege. How dare you speak of it as a sacrifice?

Yours is a generation that did not fight the war, but reaped the benefits. That grew up with a generation of heroes as parents, and promptly dropped your pants and showed them your arse.

And now what? You think because some numbskulled financial advisor told you you had a pension saved, that my generation must pay it? Think again.

There will be no reitrement for me. Why should I pay for you to have what will never come my way?

Whatever assets exist in your pension fund, you will NOT be able to sell them for their book value. Who would you sell them to? My generation can't afford a pension. You will be forced to sell into a falling market.

Curtail your plans. Prepare for an old age of much reduced means. That is what awaits me, I am under no obligation to finance the fantasy that you bought into.

There is a name for this new normal. Austerity.

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