Wednesday 13 June 2012

Fiddling while it burns

So... I was watching the Leveson enquiry. Rupert Murdoch said he never asked a prime minister for anything. John Major said he asked him to change European policy.

Gordon Brown said Murdoch et al published his son's private medical details. Murdoch et al say Brown authorised them.

Gordon Brown says he knew nothing about leaking stuff to the media.

George Osborne says he couldn't give two hoots about whether Murdoch bought the rest of bSkyb. There was no implicit quid pro quo about waving the deal through and getting the support of Murdoch et al at the election.

Phonecalls, threats and declarations of war were alleged/denied by various people like Vince Cable/Gordon Brown/Rupert Murdoch/John Major.

Tony Blair said the media was a feral beast, he never cut any deal with anyone called Murdoch. That the independent was the very worst of them. Wow. Worse than the whole of the Murdoch thingy. Shut that paper down!

It's been pretty poor entertainment really, but better than EastEnders. Or the bile of the tabloid press.

Meanwhile the world sleepwalks to some kind of economic armagedeon. They all sing from the same Milton Friedman inspired Austrian School hymn sheet, but no one, like NO ONE, dare tell the rich cabal at the top, WE CANNOT PAY THE DEBTS.

So I will. It's like this. You may think you got it made, and you top 1%ers can take an ever bigger slice of the pie, but we ain't paying your stinking debt. We ran out of money. Sure we are collectively a feckless lot and have blown it all on a decent (well, actually pretty average) party. But, thats just the way the cookie crumbles. Get over it. We ain't paying you back. Now go cry to Mama.

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