Wednesday 28 August 2013

Stumble on Syria

The time has now come for Syria to be attacked.

The reason? Pride.

The vast number killed was not enough.

The sensitive strategic location was not enough.

No. It is because the US President, Mr Obama declared a red line, and that line was crossed. So the USA must attack Syria to maintain 'credibility'.

No matter that the Syrian civil war has morphed from a struggle against the regime for basic rights into a fight for survival against Islamic fundamentalists. No matter that America plans to provide air cover for the allies of al Qaeda. No matter that the Kurds and the Christians of Syria, pushed to choose sides, reluctantly opt for al Assad as the lesser of two evils, no matter that even Israel no longer deploys its rhetoric against the Assad regime.

Do the people of America not wonder that in Egypt a democratically elected government is deposed by the military, their government does nothing. Islamic fundamentalists seek to take over Syria, and America's leaders, so blinded by their hatred of Iran, fight alongside.

American pride is wounded. Syria must be attacked.

What hubris is this? Was  nothing learnt in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Can a nation march to war in such pride and arrogance then leave victorious?

Alternatively, could the Syrian straw, added to the myriad other burdens be the one that breaks the American back?

We are about to find out.

Pity the poor of Syria. Their homes are a battlefield.

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