Thursday 28 February 2013


So far as I can understand, creationism is a belief that the world was created in six days.

As described in the bible.

And that days are defined as 24 hour periods. As not described in the bible.

So why the big deal? Why indeed. After all, a day, if defined in the bible at all, is the period from sunrise to sunset. This varies according to the time of year. If defined at all by God in creation, a day is the time taken for the earth to revolve about its own axis. This also varies, very slightly, with variations in the earth's orbit.

So, what is the definition of day one, before the earth was even created? The sun which governs the day wasn't even created until day four.

How can this talk of six 24 hour timeslots make any sense?

It is instructuve that neither Jews or Muslims have this issue. It is not about religion, but about politics. About tribalism, cultural identity.

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